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Import XML - Why no data values visible ?

0 votes
With  I don't see "Alex"; "blue"; "red"; "2.0" ,"1.1".

Please give me an Example of the XSLt.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<graphml xmlns="http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns"  




  <key id="d0"  for="node" attr.name="color" attr.type="string">


  <graph id="G" edgedefault="undirected">

    <node id="n1">






    <edge id="e2" source="n1" target="n3">

      <data key="d1">2.0</data>


    <edge id="e3" source="n5" target="n4">

      <data key="d2">1.1</data>



in Help by

1 Answer

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Best answer

yEd does not display your data values because the sample document you posted is not valid (yEd) GraphML.

To understand how yEd expects meta data in GraphML files,

  1. create a new diagram in yEd,
  2. create a custom property for nodes (see "Edit" -> "Manage Custom Properties"),
  3. add one node and
  4. select the new node,
  5. specify a value for the node's custom property (see section "Data" in the properties view in yEd's lower right corner),
  6. save your diagram to GraphML, and finally
  7. inspect the GraphML in a text editor or an XML editor.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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