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Is it possible to edit design or description of all edges at once?

0 votes

if I import an excel datasheet in yEd, my problem is that I have the description of edges in a wrong position - means I want its position along the edge.

2 questions:

Is there any possibilty  to change all edges at once without marking everyone click-by-click? That would be quite helpful as I have loads of edges.

Or: is it possible to create something like a template or put the settings in advance?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, to both.

To change all edges in one go, you need to select all edges. You can do that either using "Tools" -> "Select Elements" or by clicking one edge to select it and typing CTRL+A to subsequently select all edges. (Both apporaches work for other elements like nodes and labels as well).

To create a template style for nodes and edges, first create a user-defined palette section (see "Edit" -> "Manage Palette"). After that create a node/edge as usual, then change its style to your liking. When done, right click the node/edge to open its context menu and choose "Add to Palette". You can set the new template as default by double-clicking the corresponding entry in your user-defined palette section. Moreover, you can now select the new template for Excel import and properties mappings.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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