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How to order nodes per level in Hierarchical Layout

+1 vote
I'm creating an assembly flow chart for a number of similar products (what materials and sub-components go into the next item to make a final product). Being that I have a number of similar products, I would like the graphs organized the same way so I can quickly see what's the same or different between products by lookin at the same place in each graph. Also, it would be handy to re-organize the items in one level so I have "ascending part numbers" from left to right (in a top down layout).

I would expect nodes to space themselves out accordingly if say, one component and many sub-tier items, that component may have some increased space between it and it's same-level neighbours.
related to an answer for: Hierarchical Layout: Order system?
in Help by (470 points)
You seem to have already found an answer detailing a workaround for ordering nodes in a layer. (Including a reference to "Use Drawing As Sketch" that will respect manual re-organization.) So, I do not understand what your question really is.
Sorry, I missed that part of the other post (Use Drawing as Sketch), listed here as "related to...", TY.

However, the other part of the question is: is there a way to automatically order items per level based on node labels (or other fields)?

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Is there a way to automatically order items per level based on node labels (or other fields)?

Unfortunately, no. There is currently no way to do that in yEd.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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