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Can we search palette using text ?

+1 vote
Are we able to search palette by text? i can only find option to search in iconfind
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes
No, it is not possible to search yEd's palette. What would you want to search for anyways?
by [yWorks] (162k points)
i want search the name of symbols , i saw this feature in other programs like conceptdraw, when you have many of them

This feature would indeed be really usefull:
For instance, I just added a "world flags" icon pack in Yed... In the 247 icons I just added, it is not easy to find the right one... And I don't know each flag of the world :)

On mouse hover, the icon (png in fact) does'nt display anything...
It works fine with the original icons provided in Yed (i.e.  "Network storage")
How is it possible with other icon / images... I tried to tag the IPTC metadata of my images, but did'nt worked...

yes, search within conceptdraw libraries is very useful, please do this
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