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Documentation of a server rack in yed

+1 vote

I want a documentation of our server room. The single servers, switches and wires in their racks.
A very rudimentary way is to use table nodes, but there I'm not able to place my wires.

Does anybody have a template, or idea to do this?

in Help by (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

The wires connect severs and switches, not the racks, right?

Model the racks as table nodes. Model your servers and switches as normal nodes that are child nodes of the rack table nodes.

Sample GraphML.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
Right, but the icons does not snap to the table row and when I start the layout function, the table is empty.

If the table is empty after a layout calculation, the server and switch nodes were not properly assigned as child nodes of the rack table node.

Try layouting the sample graph in my answer (using "Layout" -> "Swimlane" -> Hierarchic"), both the server as well as the switch node will stay inside the rack table node.

Please see chapter Grouping Support in the yEd Manual for more information on nesting nodes.

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