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Importing groups from excel with wrong parameters

0 votes

I have the problem, that I want to import my network devices with their connections from an excel list.

| Group | DevType | Hostname | IP         |
|    A      |       X       |   server1   | |
|    A      |       Y       |   server2   | |
|    B      |       Z       |   server3   | |

During the import, the groups are built correctly, But the name is not shown and the group parameter (e.g. A) is shown as parameter IP.
in Help by (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Since group nodes are nodes, too, you need to add a row for each group if you want to specify properties for your groups. Otherwise, the group ID is assigned to the property you have chosen to serve as "Label Text" on tab "Presentation" of the Excel Import settings.



by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
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