I wrote a Python tool for my personal use to generate yED diagrams out of various sources, it is very similar to pyyed, but with added functionaity.
I thought this tool worth sharing and have had plans to open source it, however, found this statement in yEd licence:
"The Software may not be used as part of an automated process."
Would that tool fall in above prohibited category if it can:
- create graphs out of python dicitonaries structured in certain way or out of graph json
- has simple API similar to pyyed when you can add nodes and links while using this tool as a Python module
- add lables to nodes and links
- able to use custom SVG shapes for nodes
- define any attributes for node/links elemnts that yed graphml supports
- compare two graphml files and highlight differences on third graph
- update existing graphml diagram with new nodes/links
other features might be added as it goes, but all in all the intention is to simplify diagramms producing for various Computer Network topologies out of dictionries in structure similar to below:
{ nodes: [node1_attr, node2_attrs], links: [link1 _attrs, link2_attrs] }
Would it be feasible from your perspective to have such a tool that makes heavy use of yEd graphml capabilties in opensource?