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Is it possible to embed yEd in Eclipse and call it in a view?

0 votes
I am studying business informatics and till now i dont have so much skills in programming. Therefore I apologize for any unnecessary questions.

I only want to know if it is possible to embed yEd in Eclipse RCP.

I'm building a plug in which can read xml and filters out elements which i want to show in a new window as a statemachine with graphs.

But on another page i read that it is not really possible to embed it call it from in eclipse.

Thanks for your Help
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

You are not allowed to embed yEd in Eclipse as a plug-in or as part of a plug-in, see yEd Software License Agreement section 1. LICENSE CONDITIONS:

The Licensee is granted a [...] right to install one copy of the Software and use it as an application.


If you want to build an Eclipse RCP plug-in that requires graph drawing capabilities, you will need to use the yFiles diagramming library. yEd is built upon this library as well. yFiles is available for several platforms (.NET Forms, .NET WPF, JavaScript, JavaFX, Swing). For Eclipse RCP, yFiles for JavaFX is the right choice.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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