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Warning: Installer Out-of-Date

0 votes
I have downloaded the latest 64 bit installer for Windows (yEd-3.19_with-JRE11_64-bit_setup.exe).  During installation it gives this message: 'This installer is most likely out-of-date.  Please download an up-to-date installer from...'

Any thoughts on why this occurring and how to install yEd correctly?  Thank you.
in Help by (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This warning is incorrect and appears because we are (unfortunately) behind our release schedule for the next version of yEd.

You can ignore the warning and install yEd 3.19 (which is still the most recent version of yEd at the time of this writing).

I am sorry for the confusion.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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