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Can we choose Flowchart and have a simple STRAIGHT line arrow connecting two boxes?

0 votes
I am sorry, the yed being a math graph editor doesn't stand as an excuse for not being able to directly select and draw the simplest symbol in the human history, a straight line. If someone can (in SIMPLE words) just tell me how to make a straight line (ending in an arrow) from one box to another? I would appreciate...
in Help by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

See here (around 1:45). The important thing is that the source node is not selected.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
0 votes
In yEd Live, after clicking "Layout" -> "Flowchart" -> "Apply", the lines have corners. To make all lines straight (without corners), select one corner (i.e. click on an arrow, then on one of its corners), press Ctrl+A (which will select all corners in the diagram), then press Del.
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