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SVG export destroys the "Arrows"

0 votes

If i export a Chain of nodes (chaind by "arrows") - in my case in front of the Swimlane-Box - these Arrows get destroyd.


The actual "Arrow"-Top (triangle) whatever it's called, is on the proper node, but the "Arrow-Line" is way off.


Here is a Screen, I've put some Circles (via FastStone) from the SVG around the Places I was talking about. File was opened in Visio.

yED Version 3.9.2



in Help by (320 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

This is most likely a Visio problem (Visio's SVG support is really poor). Please check the exported SVG in an application with decent SVG support such as Inkscape, Firefox, or even Emacs. If your file is broken in one of these applications, too, please upload the original GraphML and the SVG here, so we can investigate the problem.

Uploading can be done using the link tool in the toolbar (first row, second to last icon).

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
Thanx. I've tested it on Inksape and Gimp. Looks great. I wasn't aware of this Visio-incapability.
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