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Labelled-Property Graphs with yEd?

0 votes
Is it possible to externally batch edit the Node and Edge properties of a *.graphml file?
The power of graph working/quering is somewhat lost if all the information must be entered by hand and can not be displayed except by hovering in the html export.
It would be really awesome to have an adjacency matrix export, property tables, etc.
And also, to have the nodes and edges display some/all the properties.
And... that the properties are project-wide and not in a per-node or per-edge basis is a little cumbersome.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, it is possible to edit GraphML files with applications other than yEd. GraphML is an XML based format and thus may be edited in text editors, dedicated XML editors, and custom applications.

Moreover, yEd does offer ways to view additional information aside from its HTML export:

  1. Both, nodes and edges offer a "Description" property. The contents of this property is displayed as tool tip text when the mouse hovers over a node or edge in yEd.
  2. yEd offers the possibility of "visualizing" values of custom properties using its propertes mapper (see "Edit" -> "Properties Mapper"). The properties mapper can be used to e.g. set the value of a given property as label text for an element or copy the value of a given property to the corresponding element's "Description" ("Tooltip") property.
  3. Finally, custom property values of selected elements are shown in the properties table in yEd's lower right corner.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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