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Fit node to label makes decision box too small

0 votes
Hi, I have just started to use yEd today and it looks like it will be very useful!

I found that when using Fit Node To Label on a Decision box (diamond shaped), the label text overflows the diamond, because the box size is based on the rectangle around the diamond instead.

I can help it by increasing horizontal and vertical space, but then those settings also apply to other containers.

How can I make a diamond properly enclose its text? Could you add this in a future version?


in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, you have to manually size non-rectangular nodes to make sure these enclose their labels properly.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
OK, thanks. Could I suggest that it would be a good feature request to handle this situation more automatically?
Sure, just post a corresponding feature request (use "Feature Requests" as category instead of "Help").
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