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Import Excel

0 votes
Dear Experts,


I am trying to start using yEd but the initial steps are preventing me from exploring the potentials of yEd. I have tried following the guides lines regarding importing data from excel, but due to some unknow reason. I am getting error after error.

Also I have tried to search the entire community regarding importing of excel data, but not much is there regarding the file formate and etc. (or Maybe I have missing some information)

Someone please help me to start yEd.

Thank you,

in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Please see Import of Excel Files in the yEd Manual for related information.

Aside from the above, the following forum posts provide related examples and explanations:

If the above does not help, please post your spreadsheet, a screenshot of your Excel Import settings, and the error message you get here. Otherwise it is impossible to determine what is going wrong.

Please see How to upload files to yEd Q&A? for instructions on posting files here.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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