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Closed groups do not retain their label and are auto renamed to 'Folder<x>'

0 votes
I would prefer if when I collapse a group the group label remains and is not automatically renamed to 'Folder' then number, like Folder30.  I tried the File / Preferences / Editor / Synchronize Open and Closed Group Label but that doesn't work.
in Help by (910 points)

1 Answer

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"Synchronize Open and Closed Group Label" works by propagating text changes from one label to the other label. I.e. if you change the text of your group label, the folder label is changed accordingly. However, if you already have groups with two different labels when you activate this setting, the existing texts are not automatically changed. (You will have to explicitly change the text of one of the labels for the "synchronization" to happen.)
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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