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Can yEd help me with this problem ?

0 votes
I am brand-new to this and, before I get too deep, I need to figure-out whether yEd is the solution for me.

I am examining relationships among three types of entity. Creators (people), Creations (projects), and Exhibits (events). Currently, I am examining the relationships in the most analog way possible on a large corkboard with cardstock, pushpins, and three different colors of string.

The possible relationships (Creator-to-Creation, Creator-to-Exhibit, Creation-to-Exhibit) are represented with colored strings running from pushpin to pushpin, each pushpin inserted into a card.

The corkboard is becoming a complicated, tangled mess. Can yEd help me to create the three layers of relationship and then superimpose them?

Thank you for a simple answer to a convoluted question!
in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote
yEd was created for exactly those types of diagram you describe. However, yEd does not support layers in the image editor sense or superposition. Instead, yEd offers automatic arrangement to get clear and concise diagrams. The algorithm most suitable for your project is probably the hierarchic layout algorithm (which tries to find the main direction in a diagram).

In short, I would say yEd is a good fit for your task, but possible in a slightly different way than you think.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you for the reply!

I have the application installed and will begin entering the data elements.
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