I am currently using the python library: pygraphml to parse through graphml files generated from yEd.
I ideally would like to extract/return the information from my graph (node labels/decriptions, attributes) using the library in order to convert to a file. I made a script utilizing the Graph class from pygraphml to print out the node,edges, and attriutes of the graph I created on yEd.
The following is the output generated:
<pygraphml.graph.Graph object at 0x7f210b2056a0>
[<pygraphml.node.Node object at 0x7f210b34060>, <pygraphml.node.Node object at 0x7f210e98a5f8>, ...... <pygraphml.node.Node object at 0x7f210b22f198>]
[<pygraphml.edge.Edge object at x7f210b22f278>, <pygraphml.edge.Edge object at 0x7f10b22f358>, ..... <pygraphml.edge.Edge object at 0x7f210b22f518>]
[<pygraphml.attribute.Attribute object at 0x7f210b339c18>, <pygraphml.attribute.Attribute object at 07f210e98a8d0>, .... <pygrahml.attribute.Attribute object at 0x7f210b22f3c8>]
Does anyone know what this output mean? Or have used the pygraphml library to interpret the above output? It seems like what is printed are the positions/locations of the nodes represented in hexadecimal in the yEd graph but I would like more informaton than what's generated.