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Add other flowchart symbol

0 votes
Hello everybody

I was wondering how it was possible to add other symbols to those of the flowchart, for example:
Summoning Junction Symbol (practically the logical AND symbol) that indicates a point iwhere multiple branches converges into a single process
or Or Symbol

I found an explanatory list here: https://www.slideshare.net/nguyenminhhoa/table-of-flowchart-symbols


in Help by (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

How to add custom symbols is explained in How can I use my own node symbols in yEd?

by [yWorks] (162k points)
is it present, in your development schedule, to insert the other flowchart symbols?
Is it not possible to export the Standard yED flochart palette extend it whit the missing graphic elements?


is it present, in your development schedule, to insert the other flowchart symbols?

We currently do not plan to add additional flowchart symbols to yEd.



Is it not possible to export the Standard yED flochart palette extend it whit the missing graphic elements?

It is not possible to modify yEd's built-in palette sections. You can, however, create a user-defined palette secion as a copy of a built-in section and add additional elements to the copied section.

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