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How to find file?

0 votes
Hi, I created  a file and have been updating and saving. However, I just created a new one and I can no-longer access the last one.

Does yEd only save one file on the server?

Is there a way to restore the last file? (No files are listed under recently opened).


in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Are you using the desktop version of yEd or yEd Live, the browser app?

In any case, yEd does not by default save to a server.

The desktop version of yEd offers a traditional file chooser dialog for loading and saving diagrams (see "File" -> "Open" and "File" -> "Save As"). In other words, you can create as many diagram files as you want (provided there is enough space on the target drive).

The browser app similarly supports loading from and saving to a local drive (although the user interface is slightly different - see the "Open" and "Save" entries in yEd Live's hamburger menu).

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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