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Is it allowed to publish bindings for the ygraphml format generated from xsd schemas and then manually modified?

0 votes

To convert many concept maps made in yEd to another format, I made some java bindings following these steps:

  1. Download xsd schema files
  2. Generate java bindings from these xsd files using jaxb
  3. Manually fix resulting java code

The ygraphml-specific part of the xsd files I used almost surely come from:

Am I allowed to also publish the code I have in a public repository? Under which terms can these xsd files be used?

in Help by

1 Answer

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Yes, you are allowed to publish the code in a public repository.

For further legal questions, please contact yWorks through the contact form on the yWorks website.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you.
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