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Is there support for multi-frame diagrams?

0 votes
When doing "animated" diagrams (e.g., multi-step algorithms), I currently resort to using several files, copying/pasting items, and adjusting the diagram. But then if I decide to change one element, I have to go back and modify all files, which is really cumbersome. Is there some support for doing this more efficiently? For instance, I've seen LucidChart has a concept of "states" which allows hiding some elements, similar to a simple PowerPoint animation.
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

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Best answer
Unfortunately, there is no support to handle such a use case more efficiently.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you for your reply. Indeed it seems to be quite complex to implement it, the only place I've seen an explicit mention of it was in OmniGraffle professional for Mac (shared layers), which means it is both expensive and incompatible with Windows/Linux.
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