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how to include the flowchart legend (i.e., what the flowchart diagrams mean) at the bottom of a flowchart.

0 votes
i would like to be able to print a legend at the bottom of a flowchart.  this would help explain the diagrams in the flowchart.  for example, a diamond means a decision.  this will help readers understand the flowchart better.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

There is no dedicated support for legends in yEd. The best you can do is to create an additional node of each symbol with a label explaining its meaning. Additionally, you can put those nodes into a common group node which you close when running one of yEd's layout algorithms to prevent your legend from being positioned by the algorithm.

By the way, there is a feature request for legends.

by [yWorks] (160k points)
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