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Not enough memory for temporary image (420MByte required)

0 votes
Hi there,

I made a preatty big structure using yEd but when I want to save it to a JPG, I get:

An Exception has Occured:
Not enough memory for temporary image of size 9241 x 11869 (105MPixels). Approximately 420MByte required.

So... what to do now ?:)

Thank you!
in Help by
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1 Answer

0 votes

You have several alternatives:

  1. Change the option Size in the export dialog to Custom Width/Height and enter a smaller size than the one given in the error message. Note that the resulting image will still contain your complete diagram but have less pixels.
  2. Follow this tip and make more memory available to yEd: http://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/52/
  3. Instead of exporting to JPEG, use a vector graphics format like SVG or PDF. Likely, this will provide a better image quality, too.

If JPEG isn't a very strong requirement, I propose option 3.

by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
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