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Line & arrow

0 votes
I want to draw a connecting line between 2 objects. Where in the UI can I find this tool to draw a line or an arrow? I googled,. It looks like you call line an edge.

I had tried click on snapline (top of the UI) and I even tried click on edge type to get this line draw on the canvas. Nothing works.

Do you have a link to a Youtube video demo to show how a connecting line can be drawn? (I did, I cannot reproduct those steps in those old Youtube videos on the latest yEd install)
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Creating edges is explained in the Creating an Edge paragraph of the very first chapter in the yEd Manual and demonstrated in the yEd Graph Editor in 90 seconds introductory video linked from the yEd homepage.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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