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Print scaling doesn't work as expected

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I'm using version 3.19 with Windows 10. I'm using print view only. Since print with automatic does not work then I'm trying scaling. I set the scale at 1.5 and it prints lots and lots of pages. So I changed it to 1.05 and it did the same thing.

Am I  doing something wrong?
in Help by


Am I  doing something wrong?

Maybe, hard to tell with the information at hand.

How wide and how high (in pixel) is your view port (i.e. the visible area)? For "Clip Area: View Only"  you can calculate the required imageable area of paper using the formula:
  inches = ([Scaling Factor] x pixel) / 72

What are your print settings (e.g. number of poster rows, number of poster columns, paper size, margins)?

In which way is "Scaling: Automatic" not working? What did you expect to happen, what did happen instead?
"Scaling: Automatic" means "fit the print area onto the imageable area of the chosen pages". The number of pages in this case is the specified number of poster rows times the specified number of poster columns.

I can't tell the pixels because there is no ruler on the view and i have found that using a ruler on my display is not accurate.

Print settings are Add Poster Coords - not checked, Paper size is 8 1/2 x 11, i don't see how to set or view margins.

If I use 'Automatic' in View Only, it does not change anything. I would expect it to fill the page. If I use Automatic in Entire Graph, it puts everything on one page (I think it used toa put it on several pages but I changed from that to View Only because there is no way to put a page break in the graph.

If there were a way to (1) add a page break or (2) adjust the zoom by a user defined value then that would work for me.

Thank you very much for the additional information.


I can't tell the pixels because there is no ruler on the view and i have found that using a ruler on my display is not accurate

Place one node in the upper left corner of your view port and another node in the lower right corner of your view port. Now use your nodes' coordinates to calculate the size of the view port.



Print settings are [...], i don't see how to set or view margins.

What about poster rows and columns on tab "General" of yEd's print settings? These are very important.
Margins are specified in your printer's native print settings and thus it depends on your printer model where to find them. Usually, they are specified in the dialog where you specify the paper size.



If I use 'Automatic' in View Only, it does not change anything.

That is very strange. Does your printer offer "print to file"? If so, is the resulting document a PostScript (*.ps) or PDF (*.pdf) file? In this case, please consider uploading the file printout here. (See How to upload files to yEd Q&A? for instructions on uploading files here.)


If there were a way to (1) add a page break or (2) adjust the zoom by a user defined value then that would work for me.

Only through clever use of the "Clip Area" and "Scaling" options in yEd's print settings.

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