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How do I import draw.io XML files into yEd?

+2 votes

I have been trying somehow to import XML files created by draw.io into yEd.

I have tried using XML Tree method, as well as providing various XSL for graphml conversion but nothing seems to work.

How can I import such draw.io diagrams?

Can I import them into other software you may know of and export them again into a yEd-compatible format?

All the best,

in Help by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Since you want semantic import, you will need to create an XSLT that transforms your draw.io XML files to yEd GraphML.

Unfortunately, I do not know of an existing stylesheet for this purpose nor of another application that can import draw.io XML and export yEd GraphML.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
import graphs from Draw.io
how can I import diagram from drawio to yed?
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