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Jackson Structured Programming/Jackson System Design

+1 vote
Does yEd provide support for  Jackson Structured Programming and Jackson System Development?
in Help by (130 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, it is possible to create data structure diagrams for JSP in yEd.
by [yWorks] (162k points)

Where can I find the JSP/JSD templates? I realise that I can create hierachical diagrams with  yEd but I'm looking fora template which allows creation of the Sequence, Selection and Iteration processes of JSP.
The very first template in palette section "Shape Nodes" is a plain rectangular node which is the most common element in JSP diagrams (action/process). The elements for "Selection" and "Iteration" are just plain rectangles with an icon in the upper right corner - in yEd, these can be created using the plain rectangle with an additional label in the upper right corner. Additionally, the "Predefined Process" template from the "Flowchart" palette section matches JSP's "Procedure" element.

For convenient access to the templates used in JSP, create a user-defined palette section and add the four required elements to said section.

Thank you for the information.
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