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OSX pinch to zoom and 2-finger scrolling

+3 votes
I realize this may be difficult to implement because your app is cross-platform, but I find it frustrating that your app is very different from most other OSX apps in that the touchpad UI doesn't conform to standard gestures. For example, using 2 fingers on the touchpad should scroll, not zoom.
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes
Your 2-finger touch gesture is probably automatically translated to mouse wheel events and these events are used to zoom in yEd. yEd is simply not designed to be used on a touch device. There are lots of keyboard shortcuts, modifier keys for mouse interaction, different behaviors for left and right mouse button, etc. All that does not translate well to touch devices.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
We use the Flash version of YFiles and am really interested in ensuring these gestures work for us. Are there plans to enable this ?


We use the Flash version of YFiles and am really interested in ensuring these gestures work for us. Are there plans to enable this ?

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