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How is get right only formatting?

0 votes

Is there a way to get yEd to do right only formatting like the example below.  I tested many settings, but I can't consistently produce this results.  It was just luck that I got this layout and every time I try to change or add nodes it gets completely messed up.  Thanks for any help.

in Help by (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

The above is the result of "Layout" -> "Tree" -> "Directed" with default settings except for "Orientation" set to "Left To Right" and "Orthogonal Edge Routing" enabled on tab "Directed".

Running the algorithm again after adding or removing nodes might indeed result in a new (placement) order within the columns. This cannot be helped - the result of layout algorithms does depend on the (insertion) order of the elements in the diagram.
However, a different placement order hardly qualifies as "completely messed up" - at least as long as your diagram is a tree. If you start inserting connections that violate the tree criterion, you are better of using "Layout" -> "Hierarchical" instead of "Layout" -> "Tree".

by [yWorks] (162k points)
I apologize if "completely messed up" was offensive, but after many attempts and getting a layout I did not want, it felt that way.
I finally figured out my error and it is now working.  When connecting nodes, I had drawn some connecting lines from right to left which allowed those nodes to be place to the left.  I deleted all the lines and reconnected everything left to right and everything is working as intended.
Thanks for the help & response.
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