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Fibre Network Diagram from Spreadsheet

0 votes
Hello, complete noob here, I downloaded yEd only an hour ago.

I'm looking at creating a diagram of a fibre network. I want to go to comms room 1 in building A, note down what fibre bundles are in there, how many cores there are, what kind of fibre it is, how many are in use and what comms room they connect to on a spreadsheet and do this for all comms rooms. So I would end up with a spreadsheet of all comms rooms with all fibre connectivity which I then import into yEd and create a nice big fibre map.

Any future changes could be entered into the spreadsheet and then re-imported into yEd to create an updated diagram.

Has anyone any experience of this or something similar and can recommend a way to structure the data on the spreadsheet? Or even a better approach?


in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Please see Import of Excel Files for information on how to structure spreadsheets for import in yEd.

Aside from that, thereis a good number of questions and answers related to Excel import here in the forum. Finally, there is a youtube video explaining basic concepts of Excel import using the example of an organization chart.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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