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when i use "zoom in",how can i get the current percentage data

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in Help by

1 Answer

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Unfortunately, yEd does not offer a way to get the current zoom percentage. May I ask why you are interested in that value?
by [yWorks] (162k points)
I try to take the current zoom percentage as standard .
in order to see clear images when i copy the flow to system clipboard and paste it into word.
I am sorry, but that explanation does not make sense to me.

"Copy to System Clipboard" is essentially a screen shot of the currently visible part of the diagram. As such the created image cannot be "made clearer" no matter what you know about yEd's zoom factor. If you need "clear" images, either use "File" -> "Export" (which does allow control over image size/zoom factor) or use "Copy to System Clipboard" at zoom factor 1 (which you will get using the "Reset Zoom" action from the "View" menu or the corresponding tool bar button).
Thank your for your suggestion.
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