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Is it possible to exclude elements from the layout-algorithm?

0 votes
This question seems to be quite similiar to the layer-question (https://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/708/layers-similar-dia-or-visio-layer) on the first glimpse, but I suppose it isnt... Is there a way to create several "versions" of a diagram - so that you can not only hide elements visually but to exclude them from the layout-algorithms? (Especially for  edges)  It's really a pity, that this function isn't available! It would add a whole new "dimension"!
If not: do you offer other producs (yFiles...) that enable me to do this? (I am not very familiar with programming)
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, this is currently only possible by actually removing the undesired edges from the diagram.

The yFiles diagramming libraries are indeed able to handle this requirement. However, the yFiles libraries are no applications/programs but software libraries that provide functionality for software developers which create their own custom applications/programs.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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