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Export/import Text label for translation

0 votes
Hello everybody

I wondered if there was a way to export to a file all the texts associated with the labels of the components in a flowchart in order to carry out the translation. My goal would be to speed up the translation of a graph, especially if it is big and complicated.

Thanks for attention
in Help by (220 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
Well, yEd's native GraphML format is a human-readable XML format - i.e. you can open GraphML files in any text editor and replace any label text. (Be careful not to replace anything else because this will probably break the file.)

Another option might be to export your diagram to TGF. TGF is a very simple format with one line per node and edge. Each of these lines will also contain the element's first label text.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
I tried both solutions. Using the TGF format, it seems much easier to handle the translation of texts. I tried to edit some words in the file with Microsoft Notepad and also with Notepad ++ ... the result was not very satisfactory, the project was preatically corrupt
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