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Use yEd Layout-Algorithm in python

0 votes
Hello everyone,

so i want to use the layout alorithms of yEd in my python program. Does someone know how I can access them? I need them because I generate a GraphML-File on my own and want to give them a layout without opening the File in yEd.

And please note that yFiles is no option for me because I'm working with python. So if someone can help me I will be very thankfull.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

It is not possible to use yEd's layout algorithms from Python. Even if it were possible, you are not allowed to do so - see section "1. LICENSE CONDITIONS" in the yEd Software License Agreement:

"The Software may not be used as part of an automated process."

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
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