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copy/duplicate labeltext and label format

+1 vote
I've been using yEd for a while. had to switch to Visio due to company policies but I want to convince the boss to switch back, cause yEd is easier to use, mostly ;-)

I could not find a solution for this particular task, so I dare to ask:

Most of my labeltexts are al 9pt and have a light yellow background.

Some are 14pt with light green background

if I duplacte one of these, they are still "connected" the the source-arrow. How can I copy/duplicate labeltext inluding their respective formats?

or is there at least a standard setting for labeltexts?

Thanks in advance

in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote

Unfortunately, there is currently no easy way to do this in yEd.

One possible workaround would be the following:

  1. Create a user-defined palette section (see the Palette Manager chapter in the yEd Manual for information on how to do that).
  2. Right-click the edge with the desired label to open its context menu and choose "Add to Palette" to add it as a template to the user-defined palette section created in step 1.
  3. Select another edge.
  4. Right-click the new edge template created in step 2 to open its context menu and choose "Apply".

Similarly, the recommended approach for defining default settings for labels is:

  1. Create a user-defined palette section.
  2. Create an edge and add a label.
  3. Configure the newly created label as desired.
  4. Right-click the edge to open its context menu and choose "Add to Palette" to add it as a template to the user-defined palette section.
  5. Double-click the new edge template created in step 4 to set it as the default style for new edges.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
thank you, Thomas, but I'll stick to my method and apply the properties manually by selecting them in the property sheet.
Would be nice to have the paintbrush to transfer formats easily.
Regards Peter
It works.
I have added a styled node and a styled edge to a custom section at the top of the palette and set both as default.
Now, when I create a node or an edge it uses them as templates.
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