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Copying text within a node not working

0 votes


yEd randomly stops allowing me to copy and paste text from one node to another.

I have made a video of it working, and then within 1 hr it stops.

I'm using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V when copying and pasting.

You can see in the 2nd video if I press F6 and copy the text from that screen, it works.






I have to close yEd down and reopen for copy and paste to work again.

3.18.2 on windows 10. 64 bit version.

in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes
Thank you very much for bringing this issue to our attention. We hope to have this problem fixed for the next version of yEd.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
I think I found one of the causes of the error (but happens even when this is not done).
It's when you change the outline colour of the box. You can no longer copy text out of the box.

0 votes

This error has been fixed as of yEd 3.19.

by [yWorks] (161k points)
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