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file doesn't work with the new version

0 votes
I have tried to open an old file with the new version but it doesn't open. Instead, there is a error "could not import file biodiv.graphml.". Can you help? Thanks! The file can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s7d1fa7v4pvquh7/Biodiv.graphml?dl=0 .
in Help by

1 Answer

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The problem is that the umlauts in your file are not properly UTF-8 encoded. Either your file was not created using yEd or you processed the file with some other application that corrupted your file. (Aside from the broken encoding, the current file is not indented at all - and all versions of yEd indent XML content.)

Anyways, this can (or rather has to) be fixed manually using a text editor: corrected file.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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