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there is no yed uninstall script in yed installation directory

+1 vote
in Help by
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes

Of course, there is. E.g. after installing yEd 3.18.2 to ~/yed-3.18.2 on Ubuntu Linux using the yEd-3.18.2_with-JRE10_64-bit_setup.sh installer script, the installation directory contains the following files and directories:

~$ ls -1 yed-3.18.2:

with jre and lib being directories and uninstall and yEd being executable scripts.

What operating system are you using yEd on and what installer script did you use?


A word of advice: This is a moderated forum. We usually do not publish posts or questions with expletives. We did make an exception because it is Christmas Eve, but this will remain the only exception. If you are in need of help or want to pass along (constructive) criticism, post in a polite way.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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