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Custom javascript in svg export

0 votes

Hello yEd-Team,

is there a way to edit the javasript code that is exported to each svg-file, so that I donĀ“t have to edit each exported svg-file manually?

I have the same problem as reported here: Tooltip not shown correctly while zooming svg document

The defect could be identified in the GetTrueCoords (evt)-function. When change:

TrueCoords.x = (evt.clientX - translation.x)/newScale;

TrueCoords.y = (evt.clientY - translation.y)/newScale;


TrueCoords.x = (evt.pageX - translation.x)/newScale;

TrueCoords.y = (evt.pageY - translation.y)/newScale;

the problem with the tooltip not shown correctly disappers.


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1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to change the script code that is exported to SVG documents.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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