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How do I print the the data-description information with the graph?

0 votes

I would like to know, if there is a chance to print not only the Graph that I have created, but also all the deatils that I have entered in the Data-description field of the objects.

Example: there is a box. The Text of the box is 1. In the field description it is descriebed what has to be done in further detail.

Now, if you look at the graph you will see lot of boxes with numbers 1 to 10 as an example. That does not mean anything to a person if you print the graph.

Important would be to have all the details and desriptions for each box.


I highly appreciate your help.



in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Well, you could edit your GraphML file to convert the description to a custom property, then use "Edit" -> "Properties Mapper" to set the text of your nodes to the information in the description-turned-custom-property.

To do so, open your GraphML file in a text editor and locate the line
  <key attr.name="description" attr.type="string" for="node" id="dXXX"/>
where XXX is some number. Change this line to
  <key attr.name="mydescription" attr.type="string" for="node" id="dXXX">

and save as new file. Now open the modified file in yEd, go to "Edit" -> "Properties Mapper", click the green "+" icon and choose "New Configuration for Nodes". Finally click "Ok". The information from Data-description should now have replaced the "useless" 1, 2,... texts.

For future uses consider putting additional information either in the text box right away or into custom properties that may be used to automatically generate tooltips (Data-description) and texts as needed.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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