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What about a Jython scripting facility : it would solve many requests :-)

0 votes

Hello everybody.

I've had some (great) experience with Jython, working on layouts with NodeBox for exemple.

It would allow to solve so many tricky, silly ... features that one may desire and you devs will never provide, because the dude is the only one who requests this apparently silly stuff ... that he seriously desperately needs inside YED ! Maybe because YED is so cool , and he became kind of addict ...

It would provide many solutions to data binding that Excel + Property Mapper doesn't always solve easely.

Again, thanks for the great tool ! I discovered it inside Class Dependency Analyzer : wow !

Best regards, Stan

in Feature Requests by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Currently there are no plans for providing a scripting API in yEd.

While yEd is a great tool in itself, it was conceived as and always will be a show case application demonstrating the power of the yFiles diagramming libraries. Thus the current policy is not to provide any features that would make it possible to code against the yFiles API (or a wrapper thereof) in yEd.

Additionally, adding support for scripting would contradict the "The Software may not be used as part of an automated process" clause of section 1 "License Conditions" in the yEd Software License Agreement.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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