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On MacOS can't open .tgf files

+1 vote
On MacOS Sierra, 10.12.6, yEd version3.18.1.1(100).  In open file dialog, .tgf files are greyed out an not selectable.  Even when I create a new graph and save as .tgf I can't open it again.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Both, the native macOS file chooser

and the cross-platform file chooser

have file filter drop-down lists (marked red above).

You need to change the filter to one that accepts TGF files. yEd offers two such filters, the "Trivial Graph Format (*.tgf)" filter and the "All Graph Files (*.gml, *.graphml, *.graphmlz, *.tgf, ...)" filter.

I recommend using the "All Graph Files" filter.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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