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Is it possible to "anchor" process steps to a swimlane?

+1 vote
You create your swiml;ane diagram and it all is organised nicely. Then a change comes along and you need to add another process step INTO a particular swimlane. But alas when you drag the swimlane boundary to accomodate the new expanded lane, ONLY the boundary moves and not all the other swimlanes and their associated process steps. The diagram is now just a mess with processes now not aligning with their correct swimlane. So, can the process steps be anchored to a swimlane such that when any one swimlane is expanded then everything else stays with its original swimlane?

Alan Lawson, UK
in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote
Unfortunately, "anchoring" swimlane contents to the respective swimlane is currently not supported in yEd.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
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