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what can & cant this do?

+1 vote
looking for this software:
1. you can type text anywhere on the screen
2. you can dragdrop those text around
3. but they do overlap with each other (on top of another)
4. the text also auto-snaps to the nearest text if it's very very close to each other
5. you can make lines from one text to another text
6. the lines always has labels/text on top of the line
7. so when you make the line, you can always type text on top of the line
8. the lines would change to a specific type of line based on what text is connecting to what text
9. for example say  **text box 1**  is one type of object that you have set it to
10. & **text box 2**  is a diff type of object you've set it to
11. then the line connect text 1 to text 2 would change to 'this is why' line
12. all 'this is why' lines are the same colour
13. non-scrollable/expandable (software prevents you from expanding the space in horizontal or vertical directions, by simply not having that feature
14. you can set a main text box or area as the designator
15. you can use a hotkey or some easy way to get back to this main area/space
16. clicking on a text highlights/colours it as the active text so this way you can easiely see it's the active
17. auto-snapping is very basic & neccessary cos it creates structure
18. & without structure the screen would be very messy
19. you can click on a text and press ctrl + up arrow
20. this highlights all of the above text boxes that are in direct left alignment of the initial text 
what can & cant this do?
in Help by (130 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes

yEd is a general-purpose editor for graphs (network-like structures). As such, yEd supports creating elements (so-called "nodes") and connecting these elements (with so-called "edges"). Both nodes and edges may be "labeled", i.e. you may add text to nodes and edges. Nodes may be moved around freely and yEd supports snapping while moving nodes.

I guess that is about as far as yEd supports your requirements. All the other items from your list are too specific for a general-purpose editor like yEd. yEd does support a whole lot of other nice features (like automatic arrangement of diagrams), though.

However, using the yFiles programming libraries it would be fairly easy to develop a custom application that satisfies all your requirements. If developing a custom application is an option for you, give yFiles a try. The yFiles libraries are available for several programming platforms and may be evaluated free-of-charge for 60 days.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
so it doesnt do anything from #10-onwards, or which numbers so can know
Well, item 17 (snapping) is supported ...

The most effective way to determine if yEd suits your needs is really just testing it out. yEd is available free-of-charge, so you do not lose anything by trying it out (except for the time invested).
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