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Create a new symbol by merging several others

0 votes
I am UML modeller. I liked yEd.
But it didn't have full support of UML-notation. So I tried to make new symbols of UML, but it impossible for combined symbols (e.g. class with properties and methods or component symbol).
in Feature Requests by (720 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
Using multiple labels and the "Convert to Label" feature for nodes, it is possible to create very complex nodes. Moreover, it is also possible to put such custom nodes into user defined palette section.

If you upload a screenshot of a node you would like to create we could provide some tips on how to create such a node. Use the image control from the tool bar (2nd row, 10th control from left) to upload images.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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