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Drag a node from the graph to outside the graph-control?

0 votes
If I initiate a drag of a node from within the graph, how can I then stop the graph from scrolling when I get to the edge of the viewport?  I want to do this so that I can drag the node from the graph to an external target to drop it on.

Using VS2018, C# & WPF.
closed with the note: Not a yEd question.
in Help by (120 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes

This forum is for yEd questions only. For questions regarding the yFiles WPF programming librariy, please contact yWorks support by mail. (Please include your yWorks customer or evaluator ID in your mail when doing so.)

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Ok, thanks Thomas, actually submitted the question to support last Friday, but have not had a reply.  Just tried again, this time with hopefully the correct customer id, although, the only id I have is a user-id....
yFiles customer IDs are of the form "userXXXX" where "XXXX" is a number, so that's fine.

You should have received an answer to your second mail (including an apology for the delay) on October 2nd 2018 17:40. If that mail has not reached you, please let me know.
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