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Request to NOT move edge while resizing nodes

+2 votes

Hi there !

First of all, thank you so you much for your software. It's very pleasant to use and very powerful.

It would be almost perfect if the following request could be implemented: NOT moving edge while resizing nodes.

Example :

1/ Initial state


2/ After resizing top node


3/ Manual editing to get vertical edges


Best regards,


in Feature Requests by (140 points)
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Unfortunately, it seems like your illustrations were not included in your post. Can you edit your request to include the illustrations?

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Thank you very much for adding illustrations.

If you select the top node and edit its width in the properties editor in yEd's lower right corner instead of resizing the node with the mouse, the edge connection points will not be adjusted but stay at their (absolute) location. Moreover, the "resize direction" when changing width or height by editing properties can be configured in "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Editor", option "Resize from Center".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
thank you for your answer.
I knew that resizing node from center don't change the edge connection points. However, we frequently need to resize nodes from an edge and the result is a messy diagram that we need to order manually.
Maybe a future feature ?
Best regards,

Your post is categorized as a feature request, so, yes, maybe in a future release.

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