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yEd is a fantastic tool, however what I miss is "relations".

Let me explain.

I'm software engineer and use this for my own to make my plan/design more clear.

What I miss is the possibility to add simple tagdefenitions like: bool:: int:: etc.

Some inputs/states are low_active, but I'm (as far as I know) only be able to underline, not to place upperline.

Now I have to make 2 input fields and align those. However I cant save them as "typical" or can I??  (Entity relaitionship with 2 fields "on top")

Then there are inputs/outputs, which I cant define, so I made 3 input fields: one with > or <, second with variable type and last one the tag name/description.

Those fields are in front/on top of an entity, but yEd isn't be that smart it knows they should stay together. So moving objects results in lot of 'incoherent" objects.

Some tags are related to other, but I only are able to draw one arrow, not multiple.

This isnt a problem for small designs, but I also design bigger/more complex systems and there yEd isn't usuable anymore.

Overall, yEd is a fantastic tool so far, hopefully next update a bit more fantastic for our field/working area.
in Feature Requests by

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