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Show a node as "plural"

0 votes

I'm making a flowchart where a process returns multiple outputs. Can I somehow show this i yED? I'm imagining something like this picture:

Alternatively, perhaps somthing like this could work (I have manually added the three dots):

Is there a canonical way of doing something like this?

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

While there is not really a "canonical" way of creating "plurals", it is possible to create the first type of representation through creative use of the "Convert to Label" feature:

  1. create several nodes with the same style,
  2. move one of those nodes over another,
  3. right-click the moved node to open its context menu,
  4. choose "Convert to Label",
  5. adjust the new label's position as desired, and
  6. repeat for the remaining nodes

Sample GraphML.

Aside from the above, some styles from the SBGN palette section support this kind of "multiplicity" natively.

by [yWorks] (161k points)
Thanks, I'll make it work :-)
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