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Ability to save layout parameter profiles, alt. adding a scripting language

+47 votes
We frequently jump between different diagrams using similar layout algorithms but with very different settings and in different combinations. It is somewhat timeconsuming having to remember and change all the settings every time we open a different diagram.

It would be great to be able to save a settinsg profile for a layout algorithm so that we can easily jump between settings and diagrams. Even betetr would be the addition of a scripting interface to manage settings and to string toghether a series of tools such as Select Elements, Colorize Graph, Properties mapper, etc.

Just wanting to contribute to an already amazing tool!
in Feature Requests by (730 points)
Uh its nearly 4 years ago since this request has been posted.
Anyway to save the layout per document or to have presets is something I really miss in yEd.
And 3 more years later it would still be great to have this feature ;-)

1 Answer

–1 vote
Isn't this info saved with the diagram?
by (260 points)
Nope. Settings for the layout algorithms are saved from session to session but not to the file graphml file.
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